Augmented Reality is more than Virtual Reality


Most of the display technology related theory in The End of Hardware also got included in the Near-Eye-Displays, Holographic Principles and Three-Dimensional Displays chapters in the new book Displays - Fundamentals and Outlook, which is a classical academic textbook and has been reviewed by a number of experts in the various disciplines.

Page 377 (Appendix)

Hong Hua discovered that the
w(z) formula got out of order in this figure (this particular formula is not used in the book context, so this remains a singular error).

Pages 25 and 28: while preparing his foreword to our new DISPLAYS book, Henry Fuchs also read The End of Hardware and spotted a few inaccuracies in statements about computer history. I simply cite his words to amend this:
"The initial Xerox system that pioneered this kind of interaction" (i.e., the Windows approach) "was the Alto (1973), the earliest predecessor to the Star. The 'Star', a commercial machine, followed many years later (1981). The mouse was NOT part of this development. The Xerox PARC Alto developers adopted the mouse; it was developed by Doug Englebart in the late 1960's, famously demoed in 1968.
Sutherland developed his 1968 head-mounted display system at Harvard University and brought the system with him to Utah shortly thereafter. He didn't join Sun until many years later."



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